My Practice
I work with individuals, couples, and groups (16 years and above) offering short and long-term therapy. Following the first consultation, I offer a minimum of 6 sessions. Sessions for individuals are generally on a weekly basis (or, in some cases, twice weekly) and are usually on the same day and at the same time. However, I offer flexibility to accommodate clients’ schedules.
Sessions are available during the week, day or evening, as well as on some Saturday mornings. Each session is 50 minutes long (with the first consultation up to 1 ¼ hours). I run my private practice from home. My therapy room is a self-contained, comfortable and tranquil space, which, I hope, engenders a safe and confidential environment.
Fees and Cancellation policy
My current fees are £60 per session for individuals, and £85 per session for couples. I offer some concessionary rates which I am happy to discuss at the first contact. My fees are reviewed annually with a month’s notice given of any change. Appointments missed or cancelled with less than a week’s notice will be charged at the full rate.
Code of Ethics
As a professional member of the United Kingdom Council for Counselling and Psychotherapy (UKCP) and I am bound to my accrediting organisation’s code of ethics.
I am also a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to its Ethical Framework for good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy and subject to the Professional Conduct Procedure therein.
To obtain more details or to make an initial appointment you can call me in confidence on: 020 8995 1661. Alternatively, you can email me via my contact page.
Information that is disclosed to me is confidential. However, in exceptional circumstances confidentiality may need to be broken. For example, if I felt you were in serious danger of self-harming or causing harm to others. However, this would only take place after full consultation with you.